Monday, January 31, 2011

I Follow Rivers

In love with this chick. Just another gem to add to the list.

Had a nice relaxing weekend. Bought the fiance some birthdays gifts, ate some great food. Stayed in. Perfect.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Ready for the weekend.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Wait, it's winter still?

Judging by the fact its been in the 70's for the past few days, it's hard to remember it's actually January right now. I wish I was wearing  this at the moment . All the new Spring clothing showing up is perfect timing for this rise in the temp. Let's hope it lasts. 

Had a little dinner party with my Mom and my F's parents last night. Greg made a 4 course meal. It was amazing. I'll get better at documenting sooner or later. Until then, get out and enjoy the weather!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Just A Daydreamer . Just A Daytripper.

So much talk of the future. 
So much change in the present.
Life seems to be taking off. 
It's all a matter of seeing if we can keep up. 
Here's to our futures. 


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, Two Day

I'm trying my hardest at the moment not to turn this blog into a wedding blog. I know I said I'll always just do what I want on here... but my wedding isn't what I had set out to write about when I first created this blog. Yes, there will be a lot wedding content... this I am sure of! Content shift entirely? This I will totally try and avoid.

Despite being sick this weekend, it was actually really great. My fiance cooked and amazing meal on Saturday. ( Yes, he is the cook in our house... I'm not really into domestic activities. I'm learning though!) Sunday we had a few things to do in Salinas (where I grew up) so we headed there early in the morning. We got done really fast so we decided to go a for a nice hike in Toro Park. The weather has pretty much been like spring for the last week or so, so we couldn't pass up the chance to enjoy the sun. Probably wasn't the best idea I ever had, I ended up feeling really ill by the time I went to bed .

Speaking of spring... I'm soooo ready for it already! I don't know what it is about me and winter... we just don't like each other. The only thing I look forward to about the cold is wearing my new Zara coat I got in SF while there for new years.
I don't think this picture does the coat justice. Cute, simple, perfect. At least to me.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Maybe I'll be back to posting regularly again. Maybe. I never keep my promises. 


Monday, January 10, 2011

Bottled up

I wish I could bottle this feeling. 
Pass it around, and let everyone take a sip. 
It sure feels good.


i've got a feeling..

My blog is going to take an extreme shift in content soon. Not only because I got engaged and I'm on wedding websites/blogs 24/7, frankly I have had very little desire to blog lately. I still love checking out my daily reads and what not...there just isn't a strong drive to share much. Not that fashion is lacking in my life at the moment.. it's just really taken the back burner. Being engaged is a little more all consuming then I had expected. I guess I really shouldn't be... I tend to fully submerse myself in anything I find exciting or look forward too. When planning my trip to Mexico this last June, I bet I read 100% of the information on the spot we were staying. That obsessive! This will either be great ... or horrible. I haven't quite decided. Give me 6 month and if my hair hasn't started to fall out yet, I will probably be in the clear. 

Happy Monday everyone.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Story!

Well, I have to start off saying I wrote this all out earlier... and didn't save it. Lame. Good thing I don't mind talking about it!

If you read my last post you know I got engaged this past weekend and I just wanted to share a bit of everything! So on NYE my then bf took me to SF for a little getaway.. little did I know what he really had planned. He took me for an adorable stroll through Golden Gate Park, where he popped the question! I said yes, of course. Later he took me out to a few other surprises, it was so romantic!

I just wanted to leave you guys with a few pictures. ( Yes, he even thought to bring a camera and tripod! )

He did well I think!

And out for the night....

Happy Tuesday.


Soon to be A/S

Sunday, January 2, 2011

* cough cough* Big News Inside!

I just can't wait any longer! I was going to wait till I had put all the pictures on my computer to post, but I'm way too impatient! This weekend, on New Years Eve... my boyfriend Greg proposed! I am now engaged. 5 1/2  years in1 the making. It was beyond anything I could have ever imagined... and had no clue it was going happen. Pictures and details to come soon.