Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I can't believe something like this is even on the ballot this year. Not surprised  I'm voting yes, however. Hopefully in one week it will actually happen. Where do you stand ? Yes on 19!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fragle Rock Much?

I know I can like some pretty effing ugly shit... but this vest is probably one of the weirdest I've seen in a while... and I just don't get it! Would any of you wear this? Honestly? The second I saw it, I instantly thought of the kid show Fragle Rock from back in the day. Good show, but not to be used for fashion tips. Sorry asos.

why not?

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

She want's this chapstick like Napoleon Dynamite.....

No fashion today. Just music. It seems all my brain can handle these days. 

Blogging is becoming less fun as time goes on as well. I never want this to be an obligation, so I'll make it what I want... not what I think you guys want. Sorry. I guess I really am becoming increasingly selfish as I get older. 

So here is a bit of music ( yet another thing showed to me by my much cooler friends) (me = not cool. never have been, never will be!). Even with how much I love music I tend to find something and stick with it... So I'm always open to suggestions! 

What's your favorite thing to listen to right now? 

Happy Birthday to my homegirl Angie. Love you girl. 

Happy listening everyone!


Monday, October 18, 2010


Uhhh, was she totally going for banana's in pajamas? Mariana in pajamas? Maybe I just don't get it? Good thing I still love you guuuuurl. 


Anytime is too soon. 

Friday, October 15, 2010


Probably the worst shoe in creation. Some things just really shouldn't be mixed together.  I think the girls over at Free People may have gone a bit bonkers. I expect so much more!

So busy with work and such right now. So here is some nice Friday 'Highday' music. Makes my day easier, hope it helps yours as well!

Ready for an amazing weekend full of bbq's and friends!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wanna ride?

Need this. 

Anyone want a ride?



I saw this image on a friends Blog/tumbler thingy and I had to re post it. I kinda wish more people would do shit like this. That kid rules in my book. I know it's using hate against hate, but some people need a taste of there own medicine. Right? right.

Andddddddddd  here is a totally unrelated music post !!!! A friend of mine introduced me to KC a few weeks back. I'm so glad I have up to date friends because they help me get some info under this rock I seemingly live beneath. I dig it a lot. He's pretty fine, too. mmhmm. Hope you enjoy.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hope the movie is as great as this picture. 

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sheer Perfection

Dress by Cheap Monday.

Happy Weekend .



Thursday, October 7, 2010

hop up in my spaceship and leave earth.....

How awesome is this dress by Versus? I really love the futuristic/space vibe. I don't think my boyfriend would mind me dropping $3313.00, right? I mean c'mon, why not? pshhhh.

Here are a few pictures from a wedding I went to last weekend. So fun, you might be able to tell judging by the fact I got zero pictures of my boyfriend or myself! So this photobooth ones from the wedding will have to do!

Happy Thursday, interwebs.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How do you take your Franco?

I take him hot and straight. Though he is served up drag in this case. Either way, I'll take a cup!
Gotta love a man who isn't afraid of himself.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


No really, I'm being serious here. K, Maybe not.... but I am seriously contemplating another blog for my non fashion related post. I've been feeling such a rush of good/ bad emotions as of lately. I need a better place to vent them. Facebook just isn't working for me. At least if I do it here, it will be something people are seeking out rather than me just giving it to them. Like it or not. In the long run, does it really matter? Probably not, but it is my choice. If you can't tell I'm in a horribly negative mindset. Could be the change in the weather, from amazing to gloom... or just the fact I'm slightly unstable. Ha! Aren't we all, though?

New Blog coming soon, I guess.


Mood Changer

Kinda just one of those days where you can't decide if you are happy or sad... tired or just apathetic... lost or searching. I can't really decide. Sometimes my pieces just don't fit together. Maybe they never have.